GREAT article in Huffington Post today - "Cat Cams: What do cats do when home alone?"
So what do cats do when their owners are away? There was one way to find out – cat cams!
Fifty house cats were given collar cameras that took a photo every 15 minutes. The results put a digital dent in some human theories about catnapping.
Top 8 activities captured:
-22 percent of the cats' time was spent looking out of windows
-12 percent was used to interact with other family pets
-8 percent was spent climbing on chairs or kitty condos
-6 percent of their hours were spent sleeping
-6 percent showed the cats looking at a television, computer, DVDs or other media
-6 percent was spent hiding under tables (This is my FAV - haha!)
-5 percent was playing with toys
-4 percent was spent eating or looking at food
I'm telling you, there is nothing better than a kittay katttt.
KITTENS SOON - I pwomise!