Friday, February 26, 2010

Paris & Nicole

Well, this surely ain't the simple life...

My first contact with Nicole
Paris taking a little nappy
Nicole giving me the stink eye
Paris looking out the window
Paris & Nicole - foster #15 & 16

Well, well, well...look who has finally decided to come out and play. I have not blogged lately bc it has been as if I've had no babies. These two are the most undersocialized kittays I've had yet. I decided it was best to give them a few days to adjust to their new surroundings and let them come out when they were ready. And in the last two days, I've had significant improvements with both of them, which has been quite exciting.

Paris, the black one, has been more outgoing than her sister, Nicole, who has remain hidden 24/7. With Paris, I've slowly associated myself with positive things, like food and toys. So, if she starts to eat, I'll go sit by the bowl and hand feed her food in order to reinforce the fact that I'm not going to hurt her. I've started doing the same with Nicole too.

On Wednesday night, Paris and I played for the first time and after that, she let me touch her briefly. Nicole came out from under the couch while we were playing and just watched us, which I think helped her realize that I am awesome and the best mommy.

Last night was the real breakthrough. I had yet to touch Nicole as she has been extremely skiddish. So after I fed them both, Paris started to roll on her back near me and so I petted her, all while Nicole looked on. And then, out of nowhere, Nicole started to purr and walked right up to me and laid down on her back. She let me pet her for a few minutes before retreating to the chair for a nappy.

It's great to see them both getting more comfortable, but we still have a lot of work that needs to be done. They are not ready to be adopted. I look forward to working with them this weekend :)

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Not feeling the love

Oh, hewo
Trying to blend into the carpet
I can't see you, thus you must not be able to see me
WRONG - I found you

If hiding and not loving mommy was an olympic sport - these two babies would surely get gold. As you can tell, they are not the small little kittays that I'm sure you were all expecting. Instead, these are two sisters (names have yet to be given) that have been wandering the streets for the past 8 months (estimated age). They have never had human contact and would very much like to keep it that way.

I've stuffed every hiding place and closed the doors to every room except the living room and kitchen, so they are forced to interact and be exposed to mommy. I have touched them both, but they started to shake with fear (it's really sad), so I'm going to let them adjust to their new surroundings.

Their condition is very similar to Lt. Dan, so it will just take time and lots of TLC. Good thing I've got both of those handy and ready to use!

Friday, February 19, 2010

New babies tomorrow!

Eeeeeeeek, I'm going to pickup new babies tomorrow afternoon!

All I know is that I am getting two little ones who need some major socialization. What's that? A challenge? I ACCEPT.

My goodness, what are they going to look like? How tiny are they? The anticipation is killing me!

Tonight I shall prepare the apartment for their arrival, aka, stuff the couch and make sure they have no place to hide from mommy.

Stay tuned - I will post pics tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Bye, bye, little ones

The babies are gone :(

They will soon find their forever home though, so that makes me very happy!

I'll be getting new babies this weekend, so stay tuned, eeeeeeeeeeeek.

Friday, February 12, 2010

All You Need is Love

There is no love better than a kittays

I'm taking the babies back tomorrow, sniff, sniff. Although I get to spend one last evening with them tonight!

More pics later - happy FWIDAY!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snuggle muffins

Last night I came home right after work and got to spend the entire evening with the babies. And man, are they a piece of work! These two little stinkers are insane. They will play with anything you leave on the floor, including a cell phone charger.

They spent the entire night wunnin awound, literally. From one end of the apartment to the other, they ran, slid and rolled. I found a bunch of toys under the couch, which they were so excited to play with. All night I watched them carry the little fake mice in their mouths, even leaving them near the litter box while they did their if someone was going to come and steal their mice.

They are the best in the morning, right after they've woken up and before they eat breakfast. They are my little snuggle muffins, or rather, they are too tired to fight mommy's grip of love. I always enjoy preparing their breakfast because they patiently sit in the kitchen and wait, unlike some of the babies in the past (cough, cough...Gryffindors!).

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time Out!

Fluffer Nutter and Booters as adults kittays...

Well, the babies are not allowed in mommy's room anymore. For some reason, they think it's fun to go to the bathroom under MY BED. Yes, that's right, folks - underneath MY BED. Have you ever smelled kitten pee? Well, let me tell you, it's perhaps the worst smelling odor in the entire world, after human vomit. Anyway, they have been banned until futher notice...

Other than the multiple accidents that have been occuring, they are doing really well. I believe they each weigh 2lbs now, well, Fluffer Nutter is probably nearing 3 or 4lbs. They have so much energy and tackle each other all through the night. I often find myself waking up in the middle of the night to break up a fight (aka, Booters is crying as Fluffer pins her against the bed).

I'm going to take them to the ASPCA this weekend for some vaccines, and I'm preparing myself for the possibility that they might take them back, sniff, sniff. But I want them to find their forever home as soon as possible...

Alright, more after this blizzard passes. LET IT SNOW!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Ohhhh, my goodness

Gift basket - itty bitty kittay included

Booter's fort: No boys allowed - that means you Fluffer!

Whomping willow hit from Fluffer in 3...2...1

Aw hell nawwww, bro, it's on like donkey kong

Man oh man - are these two babies a riot or what? They are the funniest little things! I seriously just watch them run around and tackle each other 24/7. They have no desire to snug with mommy unless they are either about to fall asleep or just waking up. So I have learned to time their naps just perfectly!

Fluffer nutter is a total boy. He is massive, constantly eats (and always has food on his face), he goes to the bathroom and doesn't cover his mess afterwards, and he is always chasing his sister, poor Booters. But, who could not love that face of his?

Booters on the other hand is a total girl. She is very dainty and cleans herself all the time. She eats slowly and actually chews her food, uses the bathroom very politely, and is just the sweetest little thing. Sometimes I hold down Fluffer nutter and let her take a few swings at him, haha, girls rule!

We're having a lot of fun together...they love to explore my room. For some reason my bedside table is the most exciting place in the entire world. There's nothing better than being woken up in the middle night as one of them runs across your face to get to the bedside table. Oh, the joys of being a mother.