Friday, May 28, 2010

It's that time again...

It's officially...

New babiessssh next week - stay tuned!!!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stamps to the Rescue

You buy the stamps - Halo buys the food for 1 million shelter pets

In celebration of the new Animal Rescue: Adopt a Shelter Pet stamps, the Postal Service™, together with Ellen DeGeneres and Halo: Purely for Pets, is giving shelter pets around the country a First-Class Meal.

This campaign continues the Postal Service's 50+ year tradition of raising awareness of serious social issues with special commemorative stamps. The 44-cent stamps feature photos of five cats and five dogs who were all adopted from shelters.

Click on the link below to order the stamps now!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Now & Then...





My little babiesssh are back at the ASPCA...very sad. I know they are in good hands and will find their forever homes very soon. I will admit that I cried when giving them back - two months is a long time, especially since they came to me when they were so small.

The apartment is very quiet (and clean)! My mind continues to play tricks on me and I think they are still here. I keep talking out loud and calling them...aye, I really need to get a life!

While I miss having little ones running around, I'm taking a little break before getting new kittehs. Check back in a week or so :)

Oh, I miss my little babiesssh.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

One big happy family

The fam I cover my plant to keep Callie from digging it up and she decides to make it her bed
Cora finds an interesting new toy
Mama's boy
Cora & Callie
No idea what Callie is doing here...
Carl sitting on his dirty laundry thrown
Look at that face!
Babiesssh playing
My quilt is apparently tons of fun
o hai, Cora Bora
My little man


Man oh man, they are the best.

Coco is now back at the ASPCA, so I am a full-time mom, eeeeeeeek. The kittehs are doing very well though and while I'm sure they miss their real mommy, I'm a great replacement :)

They are HUGE, well, just about two pounds now, which means they will be going back to the ASPCA on Saturday, sniff, sniff. Although, I'm so glad that I was able to watch these little babies grow-up.

We had a giant sleepover in my bed the other night, which made me very happy, so I will miss their company when they leave. They were so great to have around during those late nights when I was working on my thesis. There is no better company than a wittle tiny kitten.

If you or someone you know is interested in one of these babiesh, let me know!