Thursday, May 6, 2010

One big happy family

The fam I cover my plant to keep Callie from digging it up and she decides to make it her bed
Cora finds an interesting new toy
Mama's boy
Cora & Callie
No idea what Callie is doing here...
Carl sitting on his dirty laundry thrown
Look at that face!
Babiesssh playing
My quilt is apparently tons of fun
o hai, Cora Bora
My little man


Man oh man, they are the best.

Coco is now back at the ASPCA, so I am a full-time mom, eeeeeeeek. The kittehs are doing very well though and while I'm sure they miss their real mommy, I'm a great replacement :)

They are HUGE, well, just about two pounds now, which means they will be going back to the ASPCA on Saturday, sniff, sniff. Although, I'm so glad that I was able to watch these little babies grow-up.

We had a giant sleepover in my bed the other night, which made me very happy, so I will miss their company when they leave. They were so great to have around during those late nights when I was working on my thesis. There is no better company than a wittle tiny kitten.

If you or someone you know is interested in one of these babiesh, let me know!

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