Thursday, April 22, 2010

So many kittehs!

Me with my babies
My little panda, Conchita
Carl & Clara
Sweet Cora
o hai
Owwww, Cora! Dat hurwwwts!
Apparently there was a ghost in the bathroom - wunnnnnn!
Clara spooked herself
Just wunnin awound
Whomping Willow hit from Carl in 3...2...1
Carl preparing to attack the camera

Clara.........1lb 4 oz
Carl...........1lb 7oz
Conchita....1lb 8oz
Cora..........1lb 10oz

The babies are growing and nearing the 2lbs mark, which makes me very sad, but I've had such a great time with these little ones! I suspect we have about another 2 weeks with them before it's time to take them back.

They are absolutely insane and just run around being crazy. They have definitely taken over the apartment and go wherever they please, including in my plants! Conchita climbs the trunks of my big plants and just sits at the top in the leaves. She is definitely queen of the jungle!

Coco is doing well, but you can tell she is getting ready for them to stop nursing. She has been spending more and more time in the other rooms, away from them, which they do not like, but they need to start the weaning process. They are almost 7 weeks old now, which means they really don't need to nurse anymore, so it's important that I encourage them to rely on solid foods more than her milk.

I'm definitely going to miss this bunch - they hold a special place in my heart because I got them so young. Okay, I won't even think of their departure right now since there is still plenty of time to play and snug!

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