Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're back...

My little man is so big now!
Cora Bora
Argh - Clara is a pirate (she still has a bad eye infection, so mommy covered it so you all don't make comments about her)
Carl stepping in the food to get to the food...oh, Carl
Beeeehfest time!


The babies are back and healthy as ever! I am such a happy co-mother...it was lonely without the pitter patter of their paws.

Anyway, they are HUGE. Well, I can still hold them with one hand, but they are growing! They now run around and play with each other, which is just so fun to watch. Coco is so happy to be back in the apartment too because she is able to take a break from them.

Last night was their first introduction to solid food and it was very cute to watch them dip their faces into the plate, not knowing exactly what to do. And they're also exploring the litter box, but this is proving to be much more of a challenge, haha. All in all, everyone is doing well - no more sniffles. The only issue is Clara's eye, but that should heal in a few days.

It's great to have the family back :)

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