Saturday, November 21, 2009

Last day with Little foot

just pwayin'
got milk?
oh, hewo
wunnin' awound
nappy time

Well, tomorrow is going to be very hard because I have to bring LF back to the ASPCA. I'm almost certain that she's 2lbs, or very close! It's been quite the adventure with her and I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to foster LF. She is without a doubt, the most special kittay I've had.

When she came to me, she was so needy and tiny, and now she's independent and HUGE! Although, I must say that she is still quite the snuggler, which is uncommon for kittays her age. It's been so fun to watch her grow and I know that she is going to find a terrific forever home and have a long and happy life.

She's fast asleep on my lap right now and it makes me so happy to see her healthy and ready to move-on.

I'll be taking a short kittay break and hopefully getting new kittens next Sunday - stay tuned!

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