Tuesday, November 3, 2009

My little boo-boo's

Little foot is the kitten I've always wanted. She follows me everywhere and demands that I hold her 24/7 - and if I don't, she sits at my feet and cries. It breaks my heart when she wants to be held and I am busy cleaning or doing something that won't allow me to hold her. Thus, I invented the kitten bjorn. You simply tie around your neck and place tiny kitten inside and BAM - hands free kittay holder.

Oh, hewo. My name is Cheetah face and I am the cutest, most beautiful kittay in the entire world.
Haha - Cheetah face is so adorable and I can't help but think that she has some type of Cheetah in her blood. I really hope her forever family keeps her foster name bc "Cheetah face" is the most appropriate, duh.

Go Phillies! Googly eyes loves to watch baseball. I think she is the most intelligent of the bunch bc she has also discovered the mirror and thinks there's another kittay inside.

Little foot is not pleased that Mommy is taking pictures instead of holding her. 'Scuse me, wys yu knots huldin mi?

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