Thursday, March 11, 2010

BIG news


Fluffer nutter & Booters have been adopted!!!

In other exciting news, Paris & Nicole are ready for adoption. They have transformed into wonderful kittays. It's been so great to see them become more and more comfortable with me over the past three weeks. They don't hide anymore, they allow anyone to pet them and they purr/snug too! I have no doubt in my mind that they'll find a forever home very quickly :)

Alright, my fellow cat lovers, here is the BIG news...drum roll....

On Caturday, when I return Paris & DAY OLD BABIES!!!!


I will be taking Coco and her four newborn kittens. This is going to be an incredible experience since I've never taken-in a mom with her babies and also because the youngest kittens I've had were three weeks old (Nug & Coop). I am so excited!

At first I was very nervous to say yes when the ASPCA emailed me about this family, but since their mom is going to be with them, it made me feel a lot more comfortable.

So, stayed tuned and I'll have one gazillion pics on Saturday! Also, if you want to come meet the new crew on Sunday, let me know!

Here is a picture of ten day old kittens, so you can expect the babies to be around this size
(um, I know!)

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