Monday, March 22, 2010

Positive thoughts

It's been a difficult past few days as Fievel became very sick on Friday and was admitted to the ASPCA Burgh animal hospital on Saturday morning. He stopped eating as a result of being severely congested (it's impossible to nurse when one can't breathe out of their nose). In addition, he has a viral infection that has brought on small cold sores around his mouth that make eating painful.

The doctor gave him a 20% chance of living through the night on Saturday and told me that it didn't look good because he's so young and small. Well, this little guy is a fighter and is still with us. I just got a call from the doctor saying he is doing a lot better and they have him on a fluid/antibiotic drip and he's starting to slowly eat on his own, although he is getting most of his nutrition from a bottle. If he can start eating on his own, then he'll most likely pull through, but right now he's still in critical care.

This is very good news, but as the doc said, he could still crash at anytime. Hopefully, he'll continue to get stronger and can come home soon.

Thanks for all of your support!

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