Wednesday, September 30, 2009

My little man

Lt. Dan sat on my chest last night while I watched the Biggest Loser and purr'd so loudly that you could hear him from across the room. Who would have guessed that the couch creeper was the most snuggly little baby?

I decided to let him sleep in my bed last night and he snugged next to my face until 3am. He then started to pace around the bed and wake mommy, so he went back to his cage for the remainder of the evening.

This morning I was greeted with a hisssssss as I let him out of his cage!?!?!?! I'm thinking, come on, you have got to know who I am by now. This is where Lt. Dan is still very anxious - when people approach him. But after I let him smell my hand, he started to purr - so at least he knows my scent.

I made him some breakfast, and yes, I do heat his wet food - who wants cold mush in the morning? He then sat on my bed and watched me get ready for work. I spent a few minutes brushing him and he rolled over onto his back and revealed his stomach, which is a sign of trust. This made me very happy.

It's truly amazing to see how far along Lt. Dan has come in less than a week. He wanted absolutely nothing to do with me when he arrived, and now he is a little snug bug. While he still has his moments with unfamilar noises, etc., he is getting better and better as time goes by.

My dear friend, Jen, has a kitten, Oliver, who is around the same age as Lt. Dan, and so we're in the midst of setting up a play date for the two babies sometime soon!

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