Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Nug & Coop

feeding time


Foster kittens #1 & 2 - Summer and Cooper (yes, named after the O.C. characters)

Summer (nicknamed Nug, due to her small stature) and Coop (short for Cooper) came to us around 8oz and left us seven weeks later at 2.5lbs!

When our girls arrived, they were incredibly small - to the point where it was scary to walk around the apartment because you'd fear that they'd sneak under your feet and get squashed. They were only three weeks old, so all they did was sleep, eat, play for ten minutes, and then go back to napping. This meant that there was a lot of snug time, which led to an instant bond.

Cooper was the snug princess and would demand that you hold her at all times. Nug would walk right up to your feet and sit - her way of demanding that you pick her up.

We had the girls for nearly two months, and since they were our first fosters, it was particulary difficult to give them back when it was their time. I tried to tell myself that it was for the best - they would find a good home, etc., but it was still extremely difficult. The bond was very strong, and I seriously considered adopting them both. I finally realized that they would find great homes, and while it would be great to keep them, I wouldn't be able to foster anymore kittens if I adopted them.

Update: both of these little gems were adopted!

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