Wednesday, September 16, 2009

10 signs that you're destined to become a cat lady

10. There are 23 toy mice under your couch at any given moment

9. You'll kick a snoring person out of the bed, but noisy kittens can stay all night long

8. You got really excited reading that New York Times trend piece about men who own cats - click here to read

7. You have more than three pictures and/or cat related decorations on your desk at work

6. You've accepted the sad fact that many people are just not as interesting as your cats

5. You always talk in a baby voice - to show them that you love them

4. The foster program staff at the ASPCA know you by name

3. You won't make up your bed if any of your cats are sleeping there because you don't want to disturb them

2. You consider I Can Has Cheezburger a valid news source -

1. You refer to your cats as your "kids"

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