Friday, November 6, 2009

Empty Nest Syndrome

Well, last night brought all sorts of emotions. The walk to the ASPCA was so cold and I worried about the babies, but when we arrived, they were just fine. I spent a few minutes petting them and reassuring them that everything was going to be okay, and it was a nice goodbye. A few of the staff members stopped by and looked at them - and of course LOVED them (I mean, if your heart doesn't melt at the sight of four kittens, then you're definitely a dark wizard).

Then the foster coordinator came out and we talked about each of them. And of course, me being the doting mother that I am, I had to let her know just how wonderful these little guys were to have around the house. We also talked about Little foot and her inability to gain weight and what that meant - does she need further fostering? And then came the awkward moment always dreaded by the creepy cat lady - the discussion about getting new babies.

So after handing off the kittays, the ASPCA foster coordinator said she'd call about Little foot in a few days. Well, I've heard this before (cough, cough - ladies, you know what i'm talking about), so I asked her if the vet was around to look at Little foot now to determine if she was in good enough health to come home with me TONIGHT. The two seconds that passed while she processed what I'd just said were the longest moments of my life!

During these few seconds, I couldn't help but think about how nuts I have become since starting the foster program, and how I know this woman think i'm absolutely insane and obsessed with cats. And just when I started to consider taking a few days off from fostering, a big smile came over her face and she said that she'd take Little foot in to see the vet right then. YEA!

That's when the nerves Little foot sick? Does she have a terminal illness that we don't know about? Why isn't she gaining weight? Am I a bad parent? I started to ponder the idea that Little foot might not be coming home with me after all.

Well, a few minutes later, the vet brought her out. Yes, the really, really hot vet that I want to marry and have 100 kittens with! And of course, I looked like all hell, but at that moment I didn't even care - I just wanted to know about Little foot.

The good news is that she's fine! The bad news is that she's lost weight since I've had her, which makes me really sad. We made a treatment plan for her that includes high caloric food and supplements, and of course, lots of TLC.

When we got home, it was so quiet and sad to not have Heff, Cheetah face and Googly eyes running around. I imagine the feelings are similar to when a child leaves to go to college. The apartment felt so empty and I know Little foot was very confused about where her siblings had gone. However, she had no problems climbing up onto Mommy and taking a long nappy while I watched my Thursday night tv.

So, there you have it - it's just Little foot now. I believe she is secretly happy to be alone and not have to share me, but we'll see how she survives her first day alone in the apartment without her siblings.

My plan worked, the others are gone! It's just me now, muahahaha

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