Friday, February 26, 2010

Paris & Nicole

Well, this surely ain't the simple life...

My first contact with Nicole
Paris taking a little nappy
Nicole giving me the stink eye
Paris looking out the window
Paris & Nicole - foster #15 & 16

Well, well, well...look who has finally decided to come out and play. I have not blogged lately bc it has been as if I've had no babies. These two are the most undersocialized kittays I've had yet. I decided it was best to give them a few days to adjust to their new surroundings and let them come out when they were ready. And in the last two days, I've had significant improvements with both of them, which has been quite exciting.

Paris, the black one, has been more outgoing than her sister, Nicole, who has remain hidden 24/7. With Paris, I've slowly associated myself with positive things, like food and toys. So, if she starts to eat, I'll go sit by the bowl and hand feed her food in order to reinforce the fact that I'm not going to hurt her. I've started doing the same with Nicole too.

On Wednesday night, Paris and I played for the first time and after that, she let me touch her briefly. Nicole came out from under the couch while we were playing and just watched us, which I think helped her realize that I am awesome and the best mommy.

Last night was the real breakthrough. I had yet to touch Nicole as she has been extremely skiddish. So after I fed them both, Paris started to roll on her back near me and so I petted her, all while Nicole looked on. And then, out of nowhere, Nicole started to purr and walked right up to me and laid down on her back. She let me pet her for a few minutes before retreating to the chair for a nappy.

It's great to see them both getting more comfortable, but we still have a lot of work that needs to be done. They are not ready to be adopted. I look forward to working with them this weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. how are the kittays?? loving on you all the time now? or still hiding?
