Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Time Out!

Fluffer Nutter and Booters as adults kittays...

Well, the babies are not allowed in mommy's room anymore. For some reason, they think it's fun to go to the bathroom under MY BED. Yes, that's right, folks - underneath MY BED. Have you ever smelled kitten pee? Well, let me tell you, it's perhaps the worst smelling odor in the entire world, after human vomit. Anyway, they have been banned until futher notice...

Other than the multiple accidents that have been occuring, they are doing really well. I believe they each weigh 2lbs now, well, Fluffer Nutter is probably nearing 3 or 4lbs. They have so much energy and tackle each other all through the night. I often find myself waking up in the middle of the night to break up a fight (aka, Booters is crying as Fluffer pins her against the bed).

I'm going to take them to the ASPCA this weekend for some vaccines, and I'm preparing myself for the possibility that they might take them back, sniff, sniff. But I want them to find their forever home as soon as possible...

Alright, more after this blizzard passes. LET IT SNOW!

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