Friday, June 11, 2010

New addition

put yo hands up, dey playin my song
Bath time

What a week it has been!

Sadly, Lucy had to go back to the ASPCA because she was having tummy issues and they wanted to keep her away from Saydee. In a few days Lucy should be all better and ready to be adopted, so that made me feel better.

Just when I thought it would be only Saydee in the house, I learn that her brother, Lion, became ill right after I brought Saydee home and he lost so much weight that now he needs fostering! So now the two siblings are reunited and I have two of the sweetest and cutest babiesssh ever!

Saydee definitely has ADHD and is constantly running around the apartment while Lion is way more chill and just does his own thing. The other night he slept right on my neck while Saydee laid on my stomach - it was pure bliss.

I'm glad Saydee has a playmate, although right now the playing consists of Saydee jumping on Lion. I'm sure Lion is just getting adjusted to the greatest home on earth ;)

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