Friday, October 2, 2009


I got home late last night and Lt. Dan was waiting for me (or didn't have time to hide). After we greeted each other, or rather, him hissing over and over while I repeated "Hewooo, my little man. How was your day?" we settled into bed.

Lt. Dan was so snuggly last night. He decided that sleeping next to me was longer acceptable, and instead, he felt the need to go under the blanket and sleep right up against my chest. I am pretty confident that I slept with a huge grin on my face the entire night. And yes, that creepy kind of grin that your old Aunt Mildred has whenever she offers you her "special" cookies.

When I woke up this morning, he was gone, like a ghost in the night. I assume he's probably back under the couch (I've really got to work on stuffing the bottom better). But don't worry folks, I'm a kittaaay hunting expert and I shall find him tonight after work, muahahaha.

Oh, my buddy and me.

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