Friday, October 23, 2009

Halloween costumes

The babies need halloween costumes!

Please click on the link below to vote on your favorite costume idea for the kittays!

Take the survey!

In other news, the babies are doing great. They are such a joy and I've had so much fun with them this week. They've discovered the plants and love to play in the dirt. Even when they are all dirty and tracking dirt around the apartment, I just can't get mad at them - they are so freakin cute!

It's really great to see how much they care about each other too. If one has climbed too high and lets out a cry, they will all coming running to make sure everything is okay. They all sleep together, knead and clean each other, and just run around like the happiest little things.

Cute story - little foot (Kendra) is very attached to mommy and demands attention 24/7. Well, this morning, I get into the shower and I hear crying, so I pull back the shower curtain to see her sitting on the rug in the bathroom just waiting for me to get out. She continued to cry, and after several attempts to climb onto the ledge of the tub, which was pretty much the cutest thing ever, I placed her there myself, where she sat until mommy was done showering. I know I can't play favorites, but oh man, she is so tiny and cute, eeeeeeek.

I'm the luckiest mommy in the world!

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