Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sisterly love

Little foot bathing Cheetah face

The kids are all sleeping right now, so I have a minute to blog about them.

Well, I made the decision to let them have full roam of the apartment, even at night, which has been interesting. Last night I woke up to find four babies in my bed - all in a different place and stretched out to capacity. They took up about 90% of the bed and I was forced to remain in the same position for the remainder of the night.

Little foot insists on sleeping as close to my face as possible, which has been interesting. I'll awake and she'll be on my shoulder. Other times she's on my back or legs - as long as she's touching mommy, she's a happy camper. I'm not going to lie, it's pretty much the greatest thing ever to have four little angels sleeping with you!

Oh man, they're starting to wake up...that means mommy needs to make them a snack!

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