Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Last night as Lt. Dan and I were falling asleep, he climbed onto my chest and started rubbing his face against mine. I couldn't stop laughing as his whiskers tickled my face, but he continued to do this until we fell asleep. I wanted to know what his gesture meant, so I did some research and here's what I found:

Q: Why do cats head butt? Or rub their face against yours?
A: Cats have glands in their foreheads that can secrete and subtle scent – referred to as pheromones. Pheromones allow cats to communicate with each other. A head butting cat is generally a happy cat and this behavior is considered a display of deep affection. Some cats will head butt labeling you as "taken". When your kitty rubs against you, he is in effect claiming you as his own.

Welp, then it's official, I'm taken! Sorry, boys, the Lt. has claimed me as his own, haha.

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