Saturday, January 30, 2010

First bath!

Fluffer nutter isn't quite sure about this...
Booters is not happy
Drying off
So glad that is over!
Blow-dry time, eeek
I'm not so sure about 'dis

The babies are clean, yea. They might not have enjoyed it as much as mommy, but all in all, they survived and now smell wonderful. Time to go pway!

Friday, January 29, 2010


Just hanging awound

Cwazy eyes

Moms, I's so sweepy

Why you's still takin pictures of me?

Too tired to fight off camera

Ohhhh, my goodness.

My little babies are just the best! They are so fun and I am loving every minute with them. While they aren't very snuggly yet, they're starting to come around and understand that mommy gets what she wants. If I pick you up, then you're screwed, and I will hold you until I am ready to stop.

They love to chase each other around the apartment and play with anything they can get their little paws on. I haven't heard either of them talk yet, so I look forward to their first words!

Last night they slept very well, only waking mommy once around 4am after one of them knocked something over. I got up to see what happened and they were so cute - they just sat there with a look on their face that said "she did it!" I made sure to let them know that I wasn't mad and everything was okay (I have no idea where this patience comes from). I sat with them on the couch and snugged (Fluffer nutter purr'd!) and they eventually fell back asleep until 6am when mommy got up to make breakfast.

Auntie Jen is coming over tonight to help bathe them (they are a little stinky), so a wash and blow-dry should help clear that right up. And don't worry, you can expect multiple pics of their first bath, geeeeeeee.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I just wanna play

Kittens make momma happy!

So, little fluffer nutter and booty boots are amazing. They are eating well, playing A LOT and getting used to their new home. I am so glad to have them with me for the next few weeks.

I am so excited to have babies again that I woke up at 6am to play (an entire 45 minutes before I usually get up). They weren't awake yet, so I made them breakfast and snugged them until they were ready to climb down off the couch and eat. And boy, did they eat! These two little rascals love them some food - I've never seen kittays eat so much.

I cannot wait to get home today and hang out with them some more. So much for trying to be more social in 2010 - CLEAR MY CALENDAR...I have twins!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

They're here!

Hai, my name is Fluff

Hai, my name is Boots

Christmas in January!

I'm getting babies!!!!!

There were a lot of kitten sets to choose from and while I wish that I could take them all, it's actually against NY state law to have more than five cats (I know, ridiculous). Anyway, I put-in a request for a family with a mom and her two newborn kittays (they are just days old). Obviously, the smaller the better bc then I can hold them and snug them and they are too tiny to escape, muahahahaha.

I'll keep you posted. They'll either be coming home tonight or tomorrow!!!


UPDATE: They are coming home tonight! However, mom and her babies were already taken, so I'm getting two kittays that need to gain weight. I'm not sure about their age, but I assume they're around one month old and somewhere around 1lbs. More soon!

Monday, January 11, 2010

NO kittens, grrrrr

I've officially lost my's been over six weeks since I've been a mommy and I'm going nuts. On Caturday, I went to the ASPCA and sat for one hour waiting to get new babies - only to be told that they couldn't give me any. I'm sure you can only imagine how sad I was to leave kittenless. Waaaaaaaaaa.

And then today I received an email from one of the staff members telling me that they didn't have any kittays. Like, um, hewo...where are you hiding them?


I already know my mom's response to this question...YOUR THESIS.

I just want to play...