Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sicky poo

The babies are sicky and so they are staying at the ASPCA until they get better. Their upper respiratory infections got worse and it made me too nervous to take care of them. Dr. Wagner said they needed the nebulizer to clear up their congestion, so it made the most sense to leave them under the care of the medical team, rather than bring them back and forth to receive treatment. I know they will all be okay in a few days and I'll be able to bring them home soon.

I miss my little babiessssh.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Happiness is...

Callie(fornia), Cora & Clara playing nappy in the nursery's NEW wing
Get off of me, Conchita!
The new addition
I am very tiny kittay
How many kittehs can you fit in a cat bed?
Just hanging awound

Last night was the best night with the babies - they were so much fun. They are finally starting to demand time outside of the cage, so I created a play pin for them to explore and they LOVED it.

Their little personalities are really starting to show and they are all such little stinkers. Cora has truly started to shine and she's the silly/playful one of the bunch. Carl is still Carl - a momma's boy who follows his sisters wherever they go, but he's such a sweetheart. Callie is hilarious, she is such a talker and wants you to know everything about her day and how she's feeling. Clara is my shy little baby who tends to hang back until she's certain of a situation - I hope to break her shell soon :)

Coco is doing great, although I think she is anticipating the busy weeks ahead once the babies really start moving. She's the sweetest thing and I'd love to adopt her, if I could!

We're one big happy family!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Little baby

I just learned that Fievel passed away early this morning. It is reassuring to know that he is no longer suffering. Rest in peace, sweet baby.


Cora & little Fievel
Caaaaaaaarl in post feeding coma - look at that tongue
Exploring outside the cage
Cora not sure what to think
Oh, hewo, tiny little baby


The babies are growing and getting so big, eeeeeek! They are starting to demand play time outside of the cage, which is exciting, but also a little scary since they are so tinnnnny.

Clara & Carl have a little eye infection going on, so that means I get to spend some extra time cleaning and administiring meds to them, which I most definitely enjoy. There is nothing better than holding a crying little baby, let me tell you.

All in all, they are thriving. These little monsters will be running around in no time!

As for Fievel, his condition has not changed since yesterday, but I will be sure to keep you posted when I hear anything from the doctor. Poor little guy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Positive thoughts

It's been a difficult past few days as Fievel became very sick on Friday and was admitted to the ASPCA Burgh animal hospital on Saturday morning. He stopped eating as a result of being severely congested (it's impossible to nurse when one can't breathe out of their nose). In addition, he has a viral infection that has brought on small cold sores around his mouth that make eating painful.

The doctor gave him a 20% chance of living through the night on Saturday and told me that it didn't look good because he's so young and small. Well, this little guy is a fighter and is still with us. I just got a call from the doctor saying he is doing a lot better and they have him on a fluid/antibiotic drip and he's starting to slowly eat on his own, although he is getting most of his nutrition from a bottle. If he can start eating on his own, then he'll most likely pull through, but right now he's still in critical care.

This is very good news, but as the doc said, he could still crash at anytime. Hopefully, he'll continue to get stronger and can come home soon.

Thanks for all of your support!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Kittens, kittens everywhere!

My little boys snuggling
Cora & Callie
CONCHITA! Our leader of the pack, Callie
Carl rolling around
Little Fievel sleeping
Mama and her babies

Man oh man, what a week it has been!

There was a little scare on Wednesday when all the babies started sneezing, so they went to vet and got checked out. It's nothing serious - just a little congestion, so they should all be able to get well on their own. PHEW, I was one worried co-mother.

It's amazing how big they are getting, even Fievel! By the way, his name is pronounced Fy-full (just like the mouse from the Disney movie, American Tail). Fievel should be opening his eyes any day now, so I can't wait to say "oh, hewo, little one!"

All in all, everyone is doing great. Callie and Cora have been starting to explore more and more, and they even ventured out of the cage last night (on my watch, of course!). Carl is still my #1 cry baby and likes to voice his opinion on everything. This just further proves my theory that boys start whining from the moment they are born :) Clara likes to stick close to mom, and she's Feivel's preferred snug buddy. Eeeeek, I can't wait until they start to pway with me!

Coco is the greatest mom. She is calm and patient with the babies, even when they are crawling all over her face and crying. Although, she does appreciate her alone time out of the cage when she can have some freedom. She's a great kitty though and such a sweetheart - I got very lucky with her.

It'll be a good weekend with the family - more pics soon!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

My little shamrocks

Fievel snugged in mom's fur
Callie, Clara, Cora, Fievel & Carl
hiiiii, Carl
Clara & Callie spooning
Cora & Fievel
Big yawn for such a tiny wittle baby
Callie & Clara learning to walk
Fievel at three days old

My gosh, what an experience this has already been...being a co-mother to five newborns is a lot of work. Although, I am enjoying every single minute! I am so excited to watch them grow into little stinkers.

Coco is doing great and she is a terrific mother. She has an incredible amount of patience and takes such great care of her babies. She is also very good about letting me handle the kittens and clean the cage, etc.

Everyone is doing well!

More later...

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Ohhhh. My. Guuuuudness.

Welcome, Coco & co.

I am the happiest co-mother in the entire world. I cannot even begin to express my excitement. Four of the kittens are Coco's and then the wittle tiny gray one (see directly above) was abandoned by her mother two days ago after birth, so Coco has adopted her. This little baby is the smallest thing I've ever seen and is the size of a mouse (no joke). The rest are the size of guinea pigs - oh my, they are so precious.

Mom and babies are doing well and settling into their new nursery. Let me know if you'd like to come visit!

More later :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

BIG news


Fluffer nutter & Booters have been adopted!!!

In other exciting news, Paris & Nicole are ready for adoption. They have transformed into wonderful kittays. It's been so great to see them become more and more comfortable with me over the past three weeks. They don't hide anymore, they allow anyone to pet them and they purr/snug too! I have no doubt in my mind that they'll find a forever home very quickly :)

Alright, my fellow cat lovers, here is the BIG news...drum roll....

On Caturday, when I return Paris & Nicole...I...am...getting...TEN DAY OLD BABIES!!!!


I will be taking Coco and her four newborn kittens. This is going to be an incredible experience since I've never taken-in a mom with her babies and also because the youngest kittens I've had were three weeks old (Nug & Coop). I am so excited!

At first I was very nervous to say yes when the ASPCA emailed me about this family, but since their mom is going to be with them, it made me feel a lot more comfortable.

So, stayed tuned and I'll have one gazillion pics on Saturday! Also, if you want to come meet the new crew on Sunday, let me know!

Here is a picture of ten day old kittens, so you can expect the babies to be around this size
(um, I know!)