Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Cora & little Fievel
Caaaaaaaarl in post feeding coma - look at that tongue
Exploring outside the cage
Cora not sure what to think
Oh, hewo, tiny little baby


The babies are growing and getting so big, eeeeeek! They are starting to demand play time outside of the cage, which is exciting, but also a little scary since they are so tinnnnny.

Clara & Carl have a little eye infection going on, so that means I get to spend some extra time cleaning and administiring meds to them, which I most definitely enjoy. There is nothing better than holding a crying little baby, let me tell you.

All in all, they are thriving. These little monsters will be running around in no time!

As for Fievel, his condition has not changed since yesterday, but I will be sure to keep you posted when I hear anything from the doctor. Poor little guy.

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