Thursday, April 22, 2010

So many kittehs!

Me with my babies
My little panda, Conchita
Carl & Clara
Sweet Cora
o hai
Owwww, Cora! Dat hurwwwts!
Apparently there was a ghost in the bathroom - wunnnnnn!
Clara spooked herself
Just wunnin awound
Whomping Willow hit from Carl in 3...2...1
Carl preparing to attack the camera

Clara.........1lb 4 oz
Carl...........1lb 7oz
Conchita....1lb 8oz
Cora..........1lb 10oz

The babies are growing and nearing the 2lbs mark, which makes me very sad, but I've had such a great time with these little ones! I suspect we have about another 2 weeks with them before it's time to take them back.

They are absolutely insane and just run around being crazy. They have definitely taken over the apartment and go wherever they please, including in my plants! Conchita climbs the trunks of my big plants and just sits at the top in the leaves. She is definitely queen of the jungle!

Coco is doing well, but you can tell she is getting ready for them to stop nursing. She has been spending more and more time in the other rooms, away from them, which they do not like, but they need to start the weaning process. They are almost 7 weeks old now, which means they really don't need to nurse anymore, so it's important that I encourage them to rely on solid foods more than her milk.

I'm definitely going to miss this bunch - they hold a special place in my heart because I got them so young. Okay, I won't even think of their departure right now since there is still plenty of time to play and snug!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Growing up

Sleepover party!!!
much easier to get noms when in the noms bowl...nom nom nom

four cwazy babies leaves you exhausted

when mommy won't pick you up, try climbing her leg

silly girls

Carl, Cora and Callie

Oh, what a weekend we had!

I spent majority of my time with the babiesssh and it was just about the best. They are really the cutest little things in the entire world.

They now have full run of the apartment (except the bedrooms), and they are LOVING it. I was hoping to keep them in the nursery for another week, but they kept escaping, so it was just easier to give them their freedom.

Last night they all climbed inside the couch, yes, inside (where the pullout is located) and hid from both me and Coco. I knew they were okay, but Coco wasn't too sure, and she started to worry (walking along the edge of the couch and crying). This meant I had to remove all of the cushions and unzip the slipcover. Finally, after a few more cries from Coco, the babies came out one by one. While I couldn't understand the exchange between Coco and the kitties, I can assure you they were getting yelled at for scaring her.

Other than the little incident last night, the fam is doing well!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Little Cora
Moms, I has seeekwit tu tell yu...

Clara with 'da bird toy - big hit in our house

Callie pinning Carl

Cora climbing on mommy's slipper

My little man

No, Cora...dis my toy

I said it was MY toy!

Just another wonderful day with the babies!

I am obsessed with these little ones. Every moment I spend with them, I become more and more attached - this isn't good.

Honestly, they are the sweetest things EVER. I jump out of bed every morning to play, run home after work, and stay up into the wee hours of the night to spend time with them. Talk about not having a life...

I cannot wait to spend the entire weekend with them, eeeeeeeeek!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

My pet monsters

HALP! Get me outta here!
Callie caught trying to escape from the nursery...
Carl is not happy with mommy after getting his eye drops

Pretty wittle face

Feeding time

Oh, hai!
Carl waking up from a nappy

Cora playing with her favorite piece of ribbon

These little babies are something else, let me tell you! They are pretty much the best. I have so much fun playing with them and they LOVE climbing all over me, which I very much enjoy, despite the scratches all over my legs.

Everyone is so happy and they just wun around tackling each other. They are all now eating solid food, using the litter box and learning to groom themselves. It's great to see them grow, although I want them to stay this size forever! I think they are all about 1lbs. now, well, Carl might be a few ounces under - I am going to weigh them this weekend.

Coco is such a great mom, but I can tell she's starting to get tried of the sixteen paws climbing all over her 24/7. I suspect that in a week or two she'll head back to the ASPCA to be adopted. Honestly, I would adopt her, if I could, bc she is the perfect sweet and laid back.

Visitors are welcome! The babies would love to pway!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

We're back...

My little man is so big now!
Cora Bora
Argh - Clara is a pirate (she still has a bad eye infection, so mommy covered it so you all don't make comments about her)
Carl stepping in the food to get to the food...oh, Carl
Beeeehfest time!

The babies are back and healthy as ever! I am such a happy was lonely without the pitter patter of their paws.

Anyway, they are HUGE. Well, I can still hold them with one hand, but they are growing! They now run around and play with each other, which is just so fun to watch. Coco is so happy to be back in the apartment too because she is able to take a break from them.

Last night was their first introduction to solid food and it was very cute to watch them dip their faces into the plate, not knowing exactly what to do. And they're also exploring the litter box, but this is proving to be much more of a challenge, haha. All in all, everyone is doing well - no more sniffles. The only issue is Clara's eye, but that should heal in a few days.

It's great to have the family back :)