Monday, October 5, 2009

Day #10

Q: Where is Lt. Dan applying for a job?

It's been ten days since the ASPCA stork dropped off Lt. Dan and his progress is quite remarkable. Despite the fact that mommy had to go kitten hunting a few times over the weekend, his ability to relax and sleep out in the open has drastically improved.

At night he is the King of Snuggling and insists on being directly next to my body - and yes, I am the big spoon. He is so affectionate, which is definitely his best quality. I love how easily he purrs. You would think that given his past, he'd be reserved, but it's quite the opposite. He is so grateful to have my love and attention, and just soaks up whatever he can get!

We're still working on a few things, like his hissing fits when you leave the room and return, but with time they'll dissolve. He's going to make some family very happy!

Don't worry, he's sticking around for a little bit longer - I'm not done with him yet!

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