Monday, October 19, 2009

Meet the babies!

Nickname: Cheetah
Nickname: Little foot & Smushy face
Nickname: Googly eyes
Nickname: brudher (brother)

Foster kittays #9,10,11 & 12

I might be the happiest mommy alive! Oh, man. I can't even explain how much fun these little babies have been in the past 24 hours.

Googly eyes (Holly) is the leader of the pack and she keeps everyone in check. Behind her in line is Cheetah face (Bridget), who is a stunning resemblance to a baby cheetah. Then comes Brudher (Heff) who definitely gets thrown around by his sister's. And finally is Little foot (Kendra), who is the smallest of the group. She is so tiny (about 10oz.) and prefers to follow mommy around the house instead of getting into mischief with her siblings.

I already have about 100 pictures. They are so cute - I can't help myself from capturing every moment.

UPDATE: Sunday was sad. When I took Lt. Dan back to the ASPCA it was cold and rainy. When we arrived, the nicest nurse was there, who had been on-call the day Lt. Dan originally came to the ASPCA. She was so excited to see his improvement and thought it would be a good idea to put him in a cage with another kitten while awaiting adoption. This made me feel better about leaving him behind, but it was still hard. I will wait a few days before calling to check on him. I know he'll find his forever home very soon. Love him.

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