Saturday, October 10, 2009

Play date!

Oliver & Lt. Dan

Oh, what a day it has been!

This morning I took the Lt. to see the doc at the ASPCA and mommy was quite smitten over the vet (he is very cute). After his assessment, the vet told me that Lt. Dan looks great and I have "done a great job with him". His sneezing has stopped and he is healthy as can be. It was such a great compliment to receive and really reaffirmed my hard work over the past two weeks.

Then the Lt. met with the animal behaviorist and she recommended using human baby food as a reward for not hissing. I am now supposed to spend 10-30 minutes a day approaching him from various angles and rooms, and each time I am supposed to give him a dollop of baby food to associate human presence with something positive. Apparently, baby food is the creme de la creme of kitty treats - who would have known? Anyway, I hope this exercise helps with his hissing. While it has gotten a lot better, he still needs a little work before going to adoption.

After we got home and Lt. Dan took a cat nap, my friend Jen brought over her seven month kittay, Oliver, who she adopted from the ASPCA in June. I was a little nervous about how they would get along, but it was great! The Lt. went right up to Ollie and they slowly got to know each other, and before we knew it - they were chasing each other and playing. It was so fun to watch them, and to see that the Lt. was comfortable with another cat.

When Jen & Ollie left, the Lt. endlessly searched the apartment for his new friend. He looked everywhere and was very vocal during the process - it made mommy so sad! I made sure to tell the Lt. that Ollie would come over again soon...maybe even for a sleepover.

This has made me aware that I think the Lt. needs a forever home with another cat. I believe this will assist him with his socialization and adjustment.

He's so tired and sleeping right here next to me. What a great day it has been for the two of us.

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