Thursday, October 15, 2009

The Lt.'s Final Days...

Well, it's official - the Lt. is ready for adoption! I'll be taking him back to the ASPCA on Sunday.

While I am very sad to see him go, I know that he needs to find his forever home and start his new life. He's come such a long way in the past three weeks...from the little kitten that wouldn't let you hold him (or even find him for that matter) to a cheerful and energetic snug bug! I've had so much fun with him and I cannot wait until he is adopted.

We still have three more days together though, so mommy will be sure to spoil him a little extra!

And I know what you are all wondering - will the creepy cat lady be getting any new kittay's??!!!?? The answer is YES - four wittle kittens who are underweight and need some fattening-up. Oh man, four...that's a lot, but I'd like to accept this challenge.

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