Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Billie Jean

Foster kitty #7!

Little Billie came to us when she was only four weeks old. She had never had human contact before being at the ASPCA, so she spent the first few days under the couch, which made mommy very frustrated! I even went as far as lifting the couch and pulling her out - she was less than pleased. But as she's come to realize - I will find you.

As she began to venture out from the under the couch, her natural defense, the hiss, was often used against mommy. Sadly, unknown to her, mommy isn't afraid of the hiss (especially when it isn't paired with a bite and/or swat). So everytime she'd hiss, it made me want her even more - KITTAAAAY come pway!

Luckily, after about a week, she started to come out of her shell and now she's the most snuggly little baby! Now mommy only gets hissed at about twice an hour. Her favorite pastime is "you can't catch me" which involves mommy on all fours trying to grab the little rascal. It makes me feel particularly creepy as I endlessly crawl around the apartment attempting to catch Billie. The good news is that I ALWAYS win.

UPDATE: Billie will be returning to the ASPCA on Saturday, 9/19, so let me know if you're interested in adopting her! She is the sweetest little thing.

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