Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Our Tri-Wizard Family

Sleepy Gryffindor's



Our three little wizards! Foster kittens #3, 4, 5...

EXPECTO PATRONUM! We took-in these three kittens right before Harry Potter opened, and with the orange kitten being a male, it only seemed appropriate to give them HP related names.

It was our first time being out numbered (sign #1 that you're a cat lady - when the cats outnumber you), but it was so much fun to chase them around the apartment. They were all really sick with colds when we got them, so they spent the first few days on meds and slept a good amount. However, within a few days they were all over the place and acting like crazy kittens.

UPDATE: these Gryffindor's have been adopted!

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