Tuesday, September 22, 2009

While I wait for new babies...

I know you are all eager to see the new arrivals - I will have an update soon! But until they come, here are some captions I've done with pictures of the foster kittens...

Translation: I don't think so human, this is my leaf

Translation: I'm sorry, are you going to return me?

Translation: Mom said we were going to the pool - she lied.

Translation: May we help you? Seats taken.

Do you see Lord Voldemort's hand twin?

Translation: Ewww, your breath smells like kitty litter


  1. Before I read your translation for the top photo I actually thought it was "weefer" What you been givin' these kiddies??!

  2. AAAAH i miss the girls! why didn't i adopt them??

  3. The "Iz sorry" one is definitely my favorite.
